Is Wind Energy Scalable Enough To Meet All Our Energy Requirements…

The real problems with wind energy is that it’s pragmatically limited to areas with sufficient strong and reliable wings and sufficiently cheap real-estate to make wind farming worth it.

Those sources aren’t consistent enough or expansive enough to fully supply all of our energy needs on their own. They are, on the other hand, very much a financially viable source of power in those areas where conditions are right.

And the reason I know that is because the people building wind farms now are venture capitalists and investors who are building wind turbines as a profit-making venture.

And the technology to build wind turbines is only getting better. Under the best circumstances, wind power can not only achieve grid parity, but substantially exceed it. In those situations, failing to build wind turbines is essentially throwing money away.

So, given the premise that there will always be people who like money; people will keep building wind turbines until they’ve reach the limits of what either the natural environment or regulations permit.

Personally, I feel that some fossil fuels will probably always be a part of the energy mix for sometime to come, if only for load-balancing, but there’s no question that wind resources have taken a bite out of that load, and that portion is only likely to grow.

Reference- Economic Times, Bloomberg, Quora