Alternative Power Network or APN Solar Energy Pvt. Ltd., one of the pioneers in the Indian solar business, expands its product line with the release of its Electrical Vehicle charger on December 1st, 2022. It is targeting 1 GW installations in the next two years.

The company’s services include joint venture manufacturing and energy consultants, as well as EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) contracts for commercial, industrial power, and even residential. Other well-known items from the brand include On Grid Solar, Off Grid Solar Systems, Hybrid Solar Systems, Solar Water Pumps, Solar Lights, and Solar Water Heater.

Pravin Nadar, Founder and CEO, and Prafrancis Nadar created APN in 2017. The process to become a private limited business began in 2012, when Pravin Nadar and five others founded a tiny firm called APN Solar.

When APN solar was formed as a Pvt. Ltd. in 2017, the company began creating a franchise network and disseminating green energy awareness, seeing that solar items were in high demand but that a lack of understanding was impeding their growth. As a result, they began educating their distributor and franchise partners, allowing people to learn about solar power. Because of their efforts, they now hold a good market position.
APN was the first business to obtain the largest project in Mumbai at the Delhi Darbar Hotel when on-grid solar technology was initially launched in 2014. APN has been working hard since then, with the help of its business franchise partner in Mumbai and PAN India.
The brand is quickly increasing each year and already has a PAN-India presence with almost 2,000 franchisees.
This is a PR Agency Feed; edited by Clean-Future Team