We are a customer driven organization. Hence, every decision and policy guidelines of ours is to make a customer’s purchase happy. That’s why, we are keeping our return and cancellation policy transparent for faster resolution.
Transit damage
Our Products are sent through Fedex and Bluedart courier, If any item found damaged during transit in that case , following action will be taken
- Minor damage, Refund 20% of product value.
- Major damage, refund 50% of product value.
Wrong item sent
In case, wrong item has been delivered, following action will be taken,
- The wrong item will be taken back. Once, item reaches to us, full amount will be refunded.
- Meanwhile, customer can go for fresh purchase to get the same item.
Cancellation while product is in transit
We usually ship product next day, with intend to deliver the item with in 3 days across India, Once, item is in transit, cancellation of existing order will attract 10% cancellation charges.
Cancellations due to unavoidable reasons
There are times when some unavoidable reason occur, In case, order Id has been generated and paid partially, Cancellation of existing order will attract 10% cancellation charges of total product value.
Cancellation due to non performance:
There are many factors which impacts the efficiency of a product such as electricity situation in the city, how panels are installed, electrical parameters etc. Once, system is installed, it can not be taken back.