Biometric, solar ATM being developed for rural India

Indian scientists are developing a bio-solar ATM for rural india. It is in its final stage… maybe in the next two to three months it will be ready and will be out of the lab among the people.

The scientist said the ATM is biometric, touch-based device powered by solar rays. As in rural areas, many still are not literate and power supply is erratic the ATM has been designed with a biometric identification system where one can touch the screen with his or her thumb and transact. Instead of showing numbers and alphabets, the ATM screen will displays pictures of currency denominations. It displays pictures of Rs 2,000, Rs 500 and Rs 100 currency notes. The person transacting can select by looking at the picture and selecting it. Moreover, information about the person’s bank balance and the amount of money remaining after deduction, is provided via a headphone.