In September this year, the Pune zone chief engineer of the Military Engineering Services (MES) released a notice calling for tenders relating to the 5MW solar power system at College of Military Engineering (CME). The project is estimated to cost Rs 33 crore.
The CME wants to establish its own solar system to generate adequate power not only to cater to its own electricity needs but also to the national grid. The project has been sanctioned in two phases. Earlier, it was decided to generate 12 MW power in three phases. In the first phase, 2 MW would be generated and the rest in two equal installments. Currently the contract procedure for 2 MW has been completed and work on the second phase procedure will commence soon.
The college conducts about 130 courses for commissioned and junior commissioned officers (JCO) every year and trains over 1,450 officers, 2,200 JCO and 175 nationals from friendly countries.
Per sources, the monthly expenditure for electricity run into lakhs of rupees and, therefore, the project is vital for the college. Once the project is operational, it will save nearly Rs 7 crore annually. A decision related to the third phase will be taken in the near future.