Solar Power for Water Pumping Stations in Hyderabad

Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (HMWS&SB) is contemplating to install solar power plants to generate 100 MW power at available vacant lands of the water board to reduce monthly power bills.

This power will be used for for pumping of water from Godavari and Krishna. A letter has been written to the state to approve the proposal for installing the solar power plants in vacant lands at various water reservoirs, water treatment plants (WTPs) and pumping stations at Singur, Manjira Phase-I, II, III & IV, Krishna Phase-I, II, III, Godavari Phase-I, Himayathsagar and Osmansagar.

A feasibility study report on the same was received from M/s Zenith Energy. As per the study report received from the agency, the cost for setting up of 100 MW (DC) Solar PV Project is estimated at `450 crore.

For pumping drinking water from Godavari and Krishna to the households of Greater Hyderabad, HMWS&SB is consuming 10.5 crore power consumption units and is alone incurring an expenditure of `70 crore as power consumption charges per month.

If approved this will also pave way for water pumping stations in other states of India.