Skill Council for Green Jobs (SCGJ),

Developing a “Green Job” Workforce in India

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) is planning measures to increase job possibilities in the renewable energy industry. The ministry’s most recent draft policy framework, unveiled earlier this month, emphasizes “developing decentralized renewable energy in livelihood applications.”


Simply said, the MNRE is looking to develop job opportunities in the green energy industry, such as installing or running solar street lights, solo street pumps, biogas facilities, and solar power plants, to mention a few.

In accordance with MNRE policy, the Skill Council for Green Jobs (SCGJ), which serves as an arm of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, introduced this week an online desktop version of a job site to link accredited firms with professionals.

The portal functions similarly to any other website that lists opportunities, with the exception that the positions offered will be limited to those in the new and renewable energy sectors.

However, the SCGJ anticipates problems once the portal is operational, such as monitoring data on the ground, rapidly filling the portal online with opportunities, and identifying the workers for re-training.

While the epidemic has raised worries about professional “re-skilling,” a recent analysis claims that “India has the ability to create nearly 3.4 million green jobs by constructing 238 GW solar and 101 GW additional wind capacity so that India could reach the 500 GW non-fossil energy generating capacity by 2030.

The report also stated that, in 2021, the wind and solar energy sectors employed a workforce of 111,400.

Reference- NRDC Report, Mercom India, Skill Council for Green Jobs website, MNRE website