PR Firm

Fossil Fuel Supporting COP27 PR Firm Is Slammed By 400+ Scientists

Hill+Knowlton Strategies is the name of the public relations (PR) firm which has been mandated by The Egyptian government, for overseeing all communications at this month’s COP27 climate meeting.


Is Hill + Knowlton a competent, professional, and qualified public relations firm? Yes.

The PR agency situated in the United States has a proven track record of success in the sector. However, because they continue to represent fossil fuel firms, more than 420 scientist have called on them to withdraw their climate-polluting clients before the crucial COP27 negotiations begin.

“Hill+Knowlton has played an enabling role in attempts to mislead the public through its work with clients such as Saudi Aramco, ExxonMobil, and the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative,” the scientific experts stated in an open letter. The scientists argue that work with fossil fuel clients is an egregious conflict of interest with the mission of COP27.

According to the scientists, they are “constantly faced with the dual difficulties of tackling the climate emergency and combating fossil fuel industry-backed misinformation efforts.”

The Hill+Knowlton’s Big Oil and Gas customers, as mentioned in the letter: “have failed to take the essential actions required to solve the climate disaster and substantially reduce reliance on fossil fuels.” Instead, they have engaged Hill+Knowlton and other public relations firms to distort, delay, and mislead in order to continue growing fossil fuel output and, as a result, heat trapping emissions.”

Representing the fossil fuel industry undermines Hill+Knowlton’s legitimacy and credibility in working on behalf of COP27. The 400 plus scientist have called on Hill+Knowlton to end its relationship with fossil fuel clients that are worsening the climate crisis, and commit fully to the climate action the world desperately needs.

The COP27 summit will build on an array of issues critical to tackling the climate emergency:

  • urgently reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • building resilience and adapting to the inevitable impacts of climate change
  • delivering on the commitments to finance climate action in developing countries, among others

The primary focus of the climate summits remains to rapidly reduce emissions so that global temperature rises are kept to below 1.5°C. This will limit harm.

Reference- The Guardian, Open Letter of 400 plus Scientist, Clean Technica, COP27 website, National Geographic