NTPC Is Looking For Land To Set Up Wind Farms In 7 States…

NTPC Renewable Energy Limited (NTPC REL) has asked for expressions of interest (EoIs) in order to identify suitable land banks and parcels for wind energy projects in Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Madhya Pradesh.


The Eol replies will be used by NTPC to select different land banks for wind energy project development. Various responses and contributions will also be used to design future request for proposal (RfP) guidelines or to build a strategic partnership to evaluate wind energy project locations.

According to the NTPC tender, the land parcel should be level, with a gradient of less than 5%, and no shorter than 500 metres in order to design roads, drainage, cable lines, and other utilities adequately. It should also be accessible through all-weather routes.

Wind farms should be built on land that is free of government limitations. A single site, or a series of sites linked to a single pooling substation, should have a capacity of greater above 100 MW.

The pooling substation for the submitted land parcels must be no greater than 50 kilometres from the nearest state transmission utility (STU) substation.

Furthermore, the 100 MW capacity may be distributed across several lengths of land within a single village or across multiple villages. The evacuation sites for each of these locations, however, should be within 50 kilometres of one another.

The proposal submission date is March 30, 2022, and bids will be opened on the same day.

This is a Syndicate News Feed; edited by Clean-Future Team