Extreme Heat Is Melting Roads All Over The World
During last weekend’s deadly heat wave, some roads in the US Pacific Northwest buckled, same was seen in other parts of the world like India. Steel drawbridges were doused withContinue Reading
During last weekend’s deadly heat wave, some roads in the US Pacific Northwest buckled, same was seen in other parts of the world like India. Steel drawbridges were doused withContinue Reading
In the beginning of October 2019, Russia signed the Paris Climate Accords, and the world was in awe. The country’s previous opinion on the matter was either that climate changeContinue Reading
Siberia is experiencing record high temperatures that are nearly 40 degrees Fahrenheit above average. Snow cover is disappearing, sea ice is melting, and in 2020 fashion, we now have “zombieContinue Reading
NASA images show a new side of Antarctica, an almost ice-free side. A research station in Antarctica recorded a temperature of 65 degrees on Feb. 6, believed to be theContinue Reading
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