Subsea Cloud provides data center services, but with a unique twist: the data center is located beneath the seas. Liquid cooling, like EV batteries and combustion engines, may be extremely beneficial to computers, particularly high-performance computers.

This cooling is required since computers create a lot of heat when operating. Because cooling and air conditioning utilize a lot of power, the environmental effect of cloud computing, popular websites, and other data center usage is significant.
Microsoft has already experimented with the underwater cooling and building on the learning from that research, Subsea Cloud discovered a way to locate data centers near key coastal cities underwater in the ocean . This results in substantially reduced latency since data centers are often located away from the city where land and power are less expensive and more easily accessible because nobody’s still trying to sell the ocean floor so it’s a lot cheaper 😉

Full-scale pods are assembled and deployed in around 12 weeks, which is far faster than a traditional data center.
When clients want a second, third, or subsequent data center, this solution is an excellent alternative. With just three months’ notice, a corporation may get another, and it can be positioned right next to the others. This provides the same latency advantages, both between data centers that must communicate with one another and for connections to users.

Subsea Cloud has also calculated that their underwater data centers generate 750 tonnes less CO2 per year, per pod, than equivalent land-based data centers. This means that firms aiming for carbon neutrality will have less work to undertake. There is also a significant benefit in terms of water use, as the data centers are already surrounded by water. Fresh water supplies that we require for farming, drinking, and industry will no longer be utilized by data centers.
Reference- PR Newswire, Subsea Cloud, Interesting Engineering, Popular Mechanics